- Pandora Press Titles
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- Anabaptist Visions for the New Millennium: A Search for Identity, Edited by Dale Schrag and James Juhnke
Anabaptist Visions for the New Millennium: A Search for Identity, Edited by Dale Schrag and James Juhnke
2000. 238 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1894710008
A symposium held at Bethel College, June 15-18, 2000.
All twenty-eight presentations are published in this collection.
"Anabaptist Visions contains papers presented at a symposium of the same title held at Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas in June 2000. It includes 28 papers, all but two brief enough to read in a few minutes, from contributors both academic and churchly... The papers are grouped into the categories of Identity, Theology, Engaging the World, New Voices, Worship, Mission and Evangelism, and a Summary... While the introduction suggests that the manifestos were to reflect on assigned topics... one notices overlapping interests across the range of presentations, as well as places where individual visions clash with each other... this collection has an immediacy that, while representing a great deal of serious reflection, characterizes an interactive conversation rather than a scholarly document. Anabaptist Visions should without question be read and discussed well beyond the world of the academy. Fifty years from now when scholars are seeking to understand directions taken by Mennonite people in the United States at the turn of the century, they will need to include this book in their research."
- Mennonite Quarterly Review
"I highly recommend this volume, which will surely spark fresh thinking. I can envision Sunday school classes and small groups spending six to eight sessions making the teaching here relevant to our congregations and to ourselves."
- John A Lapp in the Mennonite Weekly Review (May 10, 2001)
"These engaging pieces were written from a passion for the church. Reading them was in some ways a refresher course for me on what I love about Anabaptism and being Mennonite. It would be fun to use this book in a Sunday school class or small group."
- Arthur Paul Boers in the Canadian Mennonite (July 23, 2001)